This project was done in collaboration with fellow Information Science Student Ryan at the University of Maryland and was made possible through the contributions of the various League of Legends subreddits. Our mission is to understand the thought process behind selecting a champion in League of Legends, we collected data from various League of Legends based subreddits along with several discord gaming communities. We will use the statistics we gain here to make informed decisions for new players to help ease the tensions of a new players' early time playing ranked. None of our work is currently monetized and this is purely a passion project, any inquiries may be made to Our languages of choice has been Rust and Python, Python providing robust data manipulation tools and Rust offering a fast, thread-safe language which is easy to use. (Though I am slightly biased, given I'm a rustacean.)
We conducted a public survey recently and the statistics we collected can be found here.
As part of research for my lab, I have been developing a Color-Based Motion Capture System that operates completely independently of traditional infra-red tracking systems. The system relies on a distinct lighting color which contrasts with the area around it in tandem with other cameras to produce a 3-Dimensional mapping of objects based on multiple recordings. Currently most of this system is being written in Matlab, though a small amount of python has assisted our work.
Written in Java as a personal project, I created a small program that takes a list of players, forms a tournament consisting of a Single Round-Robin (each player plays every other player once), then seeding the top 8 players into a knockout stage where the games become best-of-five. The game is really simple, pick 2 random numbers, the higher one wins. I considered writing a better game, but didn't feel it was worth the effort. At the end, we output a single winner and they become the champion (not retained between runs).
Improvements and potential future work:I hope to eventually be able to make it so the tournament can be multiple round robins, and potentially have better games. Additionally this was an extremely simple project, so in the event I want to learn a new language on my own time, I would likely use something very similar to this.
My code is open-source and can be found here.